Grant FAQ
Do you have questions about GVEF Grants?
Please look through our F.A.Q. below. Contact us if you have further questions.
Why do we need an Education Foundation in the Gunnison Valley? Don’t we have good schools?
The Gunnison Watershed School’s are excellent. However, there is always a need to expand educational opportunities in each classroom to meet the needs of our children beyond the core program that is provided by the public schools.
What does the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation do?
The GVEF is committed to funding programs or projects that go beyond the central mission of the public schools. We recognize that it is the obligation of the Board of Education to provide a quality educational opportunity for all students. We will not fund or supplant any program that is rightfully the responsibility of the Board of Education. We will encourage and support teachers, principals and the community to think of new and innovative initiatives that will enrich the program and curriculum of the Gunnison Watershed District Schools.
How does the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation operate?
The GVEF is comprised of an at-large Board of Directors. Directors work on committees, organize events and are indispensable to the success of the GVEF. All members of the GVEF Board of Directors are unpaid and committed volunteers. Learn who they are here.
What is the relationship between the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation and the Gunnison Watershed School District Board of Education (BOE)?
The GVEF is a non-political entity independent of the BOE. The GVEF will support programs that enhance the opportunities for our children, but will not fund any program that is a part of the expected services and programs provided by the BOE.
The Gunnison Valley Education Foundation is not an alternative source of funding for the school system.
Will the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation affect the school budget or my taxes?
No. Because we will not supplant those programs that are the responsibility of the Board of Education, your taxes will not be affected. All monies raised and spent by the GVEF will be donations from the public at large.
How can the Gunnison Valley and the community at large benefit from the GVEF? I have no children. The schools do not affect me.
We all have a stake in ensuring the best education for our children. The quality of a school system is an integral part of any community’s success. The school system affects property values, the attractiveness of the area for new business and industry and the general quality of life. Perhaps Dr. Dave Monti said it best: “The only real legacy a town can give its children is their education.” We all benefit from improved schools.
How can teachers or schools receive a grant for a program they want to initiate?
Gunnison Watershed Certified Teachers may submit an application during the annual grant cycle. The Grant Committee reviews the grant proposal to ensure that it furthers the mission of the GVEF. Then the proposal is reviewed in the context of all other proposals. Finally, if approved, the teacher will receive the funds.
How would a program funded by the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation be evaluated?
Within two weeks of the completion of the program that received the grant, and prior to submitting another application, the teacher needs to submit a Grant Report. This report, while relatively simple, provides data to validate the success of the program. If a program did not work the way it was intended, this information is also be included in the report. Sometimes we learn more from the way things don’t work than when they do.
What is a component fund?
A component fund allows individuals, families, or organizations to establish their own separate funds within a community foundation while still benefiting from the foundation’s tax-exempt status and administrative support. It is a specific type of fund associated with community foundations and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as part of the exempt assets of the foundation. Gunnison Valley Education Foundation is a component fund of the Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley (CFGV).
How does one contribute to the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation?
Donate online by clicking here. You can also contact any GVEF board member for information. The Gunnison Valley Education Foundation is a component fund of the Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley, a 501(c)(3) corporation; all contributions to the Gunnison Valley Education Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.